Problem Statement: Date Format Converter
You are given a Python function convert_date(ds: str) -> pd.DataFrame that takes a date string ds as input and converts it into various formats. The function returns a pandas DataFrame containing the converted date strings along with their corresponding formats.
The function uses the datetime.strptime() method to parse the input date string into a datetime object. Then, it formats this datetime object into different date formats specified in the formats list.
Your task is to:
Implement the missing part of the provided function.
Write additional code to take user input for a date string.
Call the convert_date() function with the user input date string.
Print the resulting DataFrame.
Function Signature:
def convert_date(ds: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
ds (str): A date string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
A pandas DataFrame with two columns:
'Format': Contains the description of the date format.
'Result': Contains the converted date string in the respective format.
Format Result
0 Month Day, Year July 07, 1981
1 Day Month Year 07 July 1981
2 Day of the Week, Month Day, Year Tuesday, July 07, 1981
3 YYYY-MM-DD 1981-07-07
4 MM/DD/YYYY 07/07/1981
5 DD-MM-YYYY 07-07-1981
6 Day of the Week, DD Month YYYY Tuesday, 07 July 1981
Ensure that the formats list and its corresponding descriptions are correctly implemented.
You can assume that the input date string is always in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
def convert_date(ds: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
dateObj = datetime.strptime(ds, "%Y-%m-%d")
formats = [
("%B %d, %Y", "Month Day, Year"),
("%d %B %Y", "Day Month Year"),
("%A, %B %d, %Y", "Day of the Week, Month Day, Year"),
("%Y-%m-%d", "YYYY-MM-DD"),
("%m/%d/%Y", "MM/DD/YYYY"),
("%d-%m-%Y", "DD-MM-YYYY"),
("%A, %d %B %Y", "Day of the Week, DD Month YYYY")
results = [(desc, dateObj.strftime(fmt)) for fmt, desc in formats]
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['Format', 'Result'])
return df
dateStr = input()
result = convert_date(dateStr)
- The program utilizes the datetime.strptime() function from the datetime module to convert the input date string into a datetime object.
- The code defines a list named formats, where each element is a tuple containing a date format string and its corresponding description.
- For each format-description tuple in the formats list, the code converts the datetime object into the specified format using the strftime() method.
- Refer for more formats.
- The results of the format conversions are stored in a list of tuples named results, where each tuple contains the description of the format and the converted date string.
- The list of results is then used to create a pandas DataFrame named df with two columns: 'Format' and 'Result'. The function returns the pandas DataFrame df containing the format descriptions and their corresponding converted date strings.
- The code prints the resulting pandas DataFrame, displaying the various date formats along with their corresponding converted date strings.
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