Day 19 - Python

Problem Statement: Find Pairs with Given Sum

You are given an array of integers arr and an integer target. Write a Python function find_pairs_with_given_sum(arr, target) that finds all pairs of elements from the array that sum up to the target sum.

Function Signature:

def find_pairs_with_given_sum(arr: List[int], t: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:


    Finds pairs of elements from the array that sum up to the target sum.


    arr (List[int]): List of integers.

    t (int): Target sum.


    List[Tuple[int, int]]: List of tuples containing pairs of elements that sum up to the target sum.


Input Format:

The first line of input contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 10^5), denoting the size of the array.

The second line contains n space-separated integers representing the elements of the array.

The third line contains an integer target (−10^9 ≤ target ≤ 10^9), denoting the target sum.

Output Format:

For each pair of elements that sum up to the target, print the pair in the format a + b = target, where a and b are the elements of the pair and target is the given target sum.

Sample Input:


1 2 3 4 5 6


Sample Output:

4 + 3 = 7

5 + 2 = 7

6 + 1 = 7

Test Cases:



-1 2 3 -2 5



-2 + 2 = 0



10 20 30



30 + 20 = 50



-5 -10 15 20



15 + -5 = 10

20 + -10 = 10 


def find_pairs_with_given_sum(arr, t):

    hash_table = {}

    pairs = []


    for i in arr:

        complement = t - i

        if complement in hash_table:

            pairs.append((i, complement))

        hash_table[i] = True

    return pairs

n = int(input())

arr = list(map(int, input().split()))

target = int(input())

result = find_pairs_with_given_sum(arr, target)

for i in result:

  print(i[0], "+", i[1],"=",target)

  • The function achieves linear time complexity O(n) where  n is the size of the input array arr. This efficiency is due to iterating through the array only once.
  • The function utilizes extra space to store elements in the hash table. The space complexity is O(n) due to the worst-case scenario where all elements of the array are unique.
  • The function employs a hash table to store elements encountered while iterating through the array. This hash table facilitates constant-time lookups for checking the existence of a complement.
  • For each element i in the array, the function calculates its complement as complement = t - i, where t is the target sum. This calculation determines the value needed to form a pair summing up to the target.
  • If the complement exists in the hash table, the function identifies a pair (i, complement) that sums up to the target. It then appends this pair to the pairs list.
  • The function utilizes a list to store pairs of elements that sum up to the target. This approach ensures efficient appending of pairs without needing to pre-allocate memory.
  • The hash table serves as a data structure to efficiently store elements encountered in the array. It enables constant-time lookups to determine whether a complement exists in the array.
  • The function returns a list of tuples representing pairs of elements that sum up to the target. Each tuple consists of two elements (i, complement).
  • After calling the function and obtaining the result, the provided code snippet iterates through the list of pairs and prints them in a formatted manner, displaying each pair as i + complement = target. This ensures clear presentation of the pairs found.
Just as hash tables organize data efficiently in coding, think of life as a grand hash table where experiences and lessons are stored, helping us navigate complexities with clarity and purpose.
Happy Coding! :)
