Day 23 - Java

Problem Statement: Palindrome Chain Transformer

You are given a list of strings. For each string, transform it into a palindrome by appending the minimum number of characters to its end. If a string is already a palindrome, leave it as is.

Once all strings are transformed, compress the transformed list into a "Palindrome Chain Representation" as follows:

  1. For the first occurrence of a palindrome, retain the entire palindrome string.
  2. For subsequent occurrences of the same palindrome, replace it with the index (0-based) of its first occurrence in the transformed list.

Write a program to process the input strings, generate the transformed palindromes, and return the compressed representation.

Input Format

A single line containing space-separated strings.

  • Each string consists of 1 to 20 lowercase English letters.
  • There are 1 to 10410^4 strings.

Output Format

A single line containing space-separated values representing the "Palindrome Chain Representation."

  • The output can contain transformed palindromes or indices (0-based).


  • Strings are case-sensitive.
  • The number of strings will not exceed 10410^4.

Sample Test Cases

Sample Input 1

abc racecar abba car racecar abcba ab

Sample Output 1

abccba racecar abba carac racecar abcba abba 1

Sample Input 2

aaa bbb ccc aaa ccc

Sample Output 2

aaa bbb ccc 0 2

Sample Input 3

word sword drow words rows row

Sample Output 3

word sword drow words rows row

Explanation of Sample Test Cases

  1. In Sample Input 1:

    • Transformations:
      • abc becomes abccba.
      • racecar is already a palindrome.
      • abba is already a palindrome.
      • car becomes carac.
      • abcba is already a palindrome.
      • ab becomes abba.
    • Compression:
      • The first occurrences of palindromes (abccba, racecar, abba, carac, abcba) are retained.
      • Subsequent occurrences (racecar, abba) are replaced by their first occurrence indices: 1 for racecar and 2 for abba.
  2. In Sample Input 2:

    • Transformations:
      • aaa, bbb, and ccc are already palindromes.
    • Compression:
      • The first occurrences of palindromes (aaa, bbb, ccc) are retained.
      • Subsequent occurrences (aaa, ccc) are replaced by their first occurrence indices.
  3. In Sample Input 3:

    • All strings are unique palindromes after transformation, so no compression is needed.
import java.util.*; public class PalindromeChainTransformer { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String input = scanner.nextLine(); String[] words = input.split(" "); Map<String, Integer> palindromeIndexMap = new HashMap<>(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String word : words) { String palindrome = makePalindrome(word); if (!palindromeIndexMap.containsKey(palindrome)) { palindromeIndexMap.put(palindrome, result.size()); result.add(palindrome); } else { result.add(String.valueOf(palindromeIndexMap.get(palindrome))); } } System.out.println(String.join(" ", result)); scanner.close(); } private static String makePalindrome(String str) { if (isPalindrome(str)) { return str; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (isPalindrome(str.substring(i))) { sb.append(new StringBuilder(str.substring(0, i)).reverse()); break; } } return sb.toString(); } private static boolean isPalindrome(String str) { int left = 0, right = str.length() - 1; while (left < right) { if (str.charAt(left) != str.charAt(right)) { return false; } left++; right--; } return true; } }

  • Palindrome Construction Logic: The makePalindrome function transforms strings into palindromes by appending the minimum characters required at the end.

  • Efficient Palindrome Detection: The isPalindrome method efficiently verifies if a string is a palindrome using a two-pointer approach, avoiding unnecessary string reversals.

  • Duplicate Handling with Map: A HashMap tracks the first occurrence of each unique palindrome, enabling compression by replacing duplicates with their indices.

  • Output Compression: The "Palindrome Chain Representation" reduces output size by mixing unique palindromes and indices of repeated values.

  • Handles Edge Cases: The program naturally handles edge cases such as already-palindromic strings, single-character strings, and empty inputs.

  • Time Complexity: With a complexity of O(nm2)where nis the number of strings and m is the average string length, the program is efficient for moderate datasets.

  • Space Optimization: Unique palindromes are stored in the map, while duplicates are replaced with indices, optimizing memory usage.

  • Code Modularity: The division of logic into makePalindrome and isPalindrome functions enhances clarity, maintainability, and potential reuse.

  • User-Friendly Input Format: Accepting space-separated strings as input ensures compatibility with competitive programming scenarios.

  • Scalability Challenges: The O(m2substring operations in makePalindrome may impact performance for large datasets, suggesting room for optimization.
"Don't just append to your code—make sure it's a pal-in-drome! Always write code that’s reversible, reusable, and just as smooth backward as forward!" 😄
